Monday 27 April 2015

Fun times with my Piaggio MP3 500

I enjoyed numerous giggle infused experiences with my Piaggio MP3. This scooter was great fun and always caused a little bit of chaos whenever I went for a ride. If you love attention and enjoy meeting new people, this is the ride for you!

We popped in to check out motorcycles at Walt Healy Motorsports in Calgary. It was there I found a Piaggio MP3 500 in demon black colour, the one I wanted . While sitting on my future scooter, my husband watching on with a serious face asks me "Can you please pick something out that is more normal and not so weird?" my quick reply was "Why would I want something normal?"

I remember pulling into a small town Subway one day riding my MP3 with my husband Dave on his Concours, and I see a couple Harley biker guys all leathered up across the street outside the local pub watching me park. We went in for a quick lunch and returned to our bikes so we could continue on our ride. Well the Harley guys were still there, looking across at us, and before I could get my helmet on they had started crossing the street towards me. I thought it would be humorous if they were coming over to beat my ass because I rode a scooter.  I'm happy to report that no, they just wanted to know how the hell I drove it! So we talked for about 15 minutes and one of the Harley dudes tells me there was no way he could drive it, way too complicated for him! They told us to have a great day and they walked away, looking back at my demon black scooter. It made me realize that driving something really different can be a good thing. Some people are impressed just by the fact it has way more technology than their bike! ha-ha

Alex and Piaggio waiting for the Parade to start

My son and I also took my Piaggio scoot in a Ride For Dad parade. I decorated his helmet up, threw some decorations on the bike and off we went down town to meet the other bikers. My son Alex was handed a bucket of candy to throw to the kids, and we went out on the parade route as a group, we ended up being at the back of all the bikes, perfect position to stop and lock the front wheels in the upright position before my son threw candy. I had time to look at the people lined up along the road and check out their expressions, and boy were they funny. We got a lot of clapping, hoorays, woohoos, and others running out to take our pics. Great fun and I could tell a lot of the parade watchers were wondering "What the hell is that thing?"

My husband Dave and I went on a Rural Ride For Dad one year. It was a wonderful day and my first time on a real adventure with my Piaggio. The route was through Kananaskis and it was so beautiful. Mountains and Lakes were a plenty so the scenery was awesome. At the end of our riding day there was a BBQ, entertainment, awards and prizes. There was a Prize for Most Unique Ride, and I am happy to say my darling Piaggio won it! And guess what my gift was? A set of Harley Davidson Mugs! I bet the Harley dealership never saw that result coming.

My low cost rain suit that makes me look like a scientist?
One of the funniest memories was the time we were biking in the Sundre area. It started to rain and I put on my rain suit (also known as white painters disposable coveralls, the ones you can buy at hardware stores, cheap, light, and not fashionable). My son Sam got me into them after he went to leave work one day and it was pouring rain, he still had on his disposable coveralls and decided to try them out as his rain gear was at home. They worked and ever since then we pack them on our bikes. So this day I have my white painters coveralls on with my white helmet, and we pull into a gas station in Sundre, I get off my scoot and start filling Piaggio up with fuel. My son and husband are waiting behind me to fill their motorcycles up too. I finished filling the gas tank and stood up to hand the fuel nozzle back over to Sam, then I notice the gas station employee coming out and walking towards us in a hurry, I think to myself, "Oh crap, what did we do wrong?". He walked right over to me and my scooter and asks what kind of Scientist am I and what is going on in the area, is it something he should be worried about? I look over at my son Sam confused and look back at the employee and ask him "What do you mean?" he tells me that I must be here testing things because I am all suited up and driving something no one has ever seen before. I laughed and told him everything was ok, I am not a scientist, just out riding the area and introduced him to my Piaggio. This is one of my fondest memories and we still laugh over this one. Just thinking about his face of worry and concern, it makes me giggle. Poor guy, I hope he recovered quickly that day.

Piaggio looking like Darth Vader's scooter
So don't ever think that being different is a bad thing, you might find that being unique can be a great time and very rewarding. Different is fun, and sometimes being the same as everyone else can be boring and non-eventful. Always pick the motorcycle that will give you a smile and make your journey through life a fantastic experience.

Rural Ride for Dad starting in High River with a bunch of great people


  1. So it has two wheels in the front? Totally my kind of bike, very cool, I had not heard of them before, and yes, best way to meet people is to be different!

  2. Yes it was a lot of fun! The front wheels can lean like a motorcycle and when parking there is a locking button to keep it upright. I sold it a couple years ago but get this, Dave misses it! haha
