Sunday 10 January 2016

It's Not A Race (Scooter Cannonball Run) DVD review

One day while scrolling through my Facebook news feed there was a post from Vespa that showed a movie that required help on Kickstarter to be made. It was going to be about the Scooter Cannonball Run. I was immediately excited and quickly went on the Kickstarter site and made a donation. Then I eagerly awaited for my DVD and poster.

After almost a year wait my Blu-ray arrived. Perfect timing since here in Alberta we are going through our winter season, the best time to watch and enjoy motorcycle and scooter movies. Keeps all of us enthusiasts content and happy while we look outside and see the snow swirling in the winter wind. Awwwe, nothing better than drinking a hot chocolate, eating popcorn, and watching a bunch of scooter shenanigans unfold on the wide screen television. 

The movie It's Not A Race, follows 22 scooterists who will ride from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to Portland, Maine, USA. The trip takes our adventurers 10 days riding on an assortment of scooters.

The story follows Lawson, Cory, Oz, Aaron, and Starr. There are also interviews of many others that have joined in the journey of love and hate for the ride. It is alot of fun and quite enjoyable to watch these interesting people as their laughter and also agony reveal themselves as quite a few ride days are 12 to 13 hours. Crazy but I can tell you I would do it in a heartbeat!

As I watched the movie for the 3rd time I can tell you this about the main riders:

Lawson (Vespa 150cc) ~ Constant GPS issues, lots of cursing, and so freaking funny! His agony will become your enjoyment! 

Cory (Kymco) ~ Thank God he talked Lawson into it! ha ha

Oz (Honda Ruckus 50cc) ~ Great guy who is entertaining and having to deal with concern of "The Jinx" from his riding buddy Aaron.

Aaron (Yamaha C3 50cc) ~ Riding with his buddy Oz and teasing him about his scooter issues keep him going, and enjoying it!

Starr (Lambretta) ~ All alone in the manual class keeps Starr a winner. She also does roadside repairs which makes her a cool scooter rider.

Matt (Vespa) ~ Calm, cool, and relaxed, that's the way he rolls!

This movie is very entertaining, funny, amusing, interesting, educational, and scenic. There are so many other people that I have not mentioned and you will have a great time watching and listening to their stories also. I highly recommend this movie to anyone that loves riding scooters, motorcycles, and also doesn't mind a movie filled with alot of swearing. If you ride on two wheels there is something for everyone in this movie. 

To purchase this DVD or a poster, please visit their website:

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