Thursday 4 February 2016

2012 Yamaha TMAX with top case

The Yamaha TMAX makes such a great touring companion that I decided to order a top case to increase my storage areas for longer trips. I ordered my top case from my local Yamaha dealership as I wanted the top case to match my bike's white paint. 
2012 Yamaha TMAX with top case makes this sport scooter great for touring

The topcase arrived very quickly, it only took 4 days coming from Ontario to Alberta. 

It still maintains the sporty look of the scooter

My top case size is the 39L and cost $213.95
Rear Carrier is required to attach your top case to the bike, it cost $212.95

You can also add a passenger backrest pad, but I ride solo so I decided for now it's not required

This top case does not come with a lock, you have to order a standard lock set through Yamaha and it costs $20.95
I have put Givi cases on my other bikes, but I find Givi never has the white cases in stock so Yamaha was the easiest and best choice when I needed one. The purchase was well worth it, and I have no regrets. 

My Yamaha TMAX is such a great ride for those long adventures. And now it just got better!   


Sunday 24 January 2016

Top Gear Vietnam Special DVD review

I wanted to tell you about this great Vietnam Special that Top Gear did in Season 12, episode 8. It starts off with the boys from Top Gear taking on a challenge to buy a motorized vehicle that will take them from Saigon to Ha Long Bay, Vietnam in 8 days. You could look at it as their version of the Cannonball Run 1000 since they will travel 1000 miles to get to their destination.

This is a DVD you should add to your movie library

This is great fun and very entertaining to watch Jeremy, Richard, and James try to complete all the tasks in beautiful Vietnam. The scenery is at times breath taking and you will want to pack your bags and go to Vietnam when you're finished watching this episode. Of course it would be alot of fun and laughs if you could experience it with these guys, but I assure you they would test your patience, what is very funny to them will become a migraine headache to you! ha ha! Just watch what they do to Richard through this road trip and you will understand what I mean!

I do love watching a great man-trip and this one will not disappoint, they enjoy moments of chaos, shenanigans, male bonding, and of course testing their other road companions.

Jeremy and James pictured on their rides

The boys find themselves trying to buy vehicles with the amounts of money they have been given in shoe boxes, these large amounts of money turn out to be not enough to buy cars, so they are left to try and find two wheeled rides that will get them through the journey and win some bragging rights when they finish. Jeremy is not fond of two wheeled rides and he makes that very clear, however James and Richard are in their glory. Finally they have a huge advantage over Jeremy and the laughs begin.

The chosen bikes:
Jeremy ~ Vespa Scooter 150cc
Richard ~ Russian made Minsk 125cc motorcycle
James ~ Honda Super Cub 50cc

They will try to overcome weather, traffic, poor road conditions, road side breakdowns, mountain roads, and night riding. This is a great DVD for motorcycle and scooter enthusiasts. The boys are great to watch and the areas they travel through are absolutely beautiful to see. It is also wonderful that everytime they needed help the local people would jump right in and give them a hand fixing their bikes. I bought my season 12 on ebay and it is a 4 disc set. My husband has enjoyed watching all the episodes but my favourite is the motorbike challenge. Jeremy, Richard, and James will show you a good time Top Gear style.

Sunday 10 January 2016

It's Not A Race (Scooter Cannonball Run) DVD review

One day while scrolling through my Facebook news feed there was a post from Vespa that showed a movie that required help on Kickstarter to be made. It was going to be about the Scooter Cannonball Run. I was immediately excited and quickly went on the Kickstarter site and made a donation. Then I eagerly awaited for my DVD and poster.

After almost a year wait my Blu-ray arrived. Perfect timing since here in Alberta we are going through our winter season, the best time to watch and enjoy motorcycle and scooter movies. Keeps all of us enthusiasts content and happy while we look outside and see the snow swirling in the winter wind. Awwwe, nothing better than drinking a hot chocolate, eating popcorn, and watching a bunch of scooter shenanigans unfold on the wide screen television. 

The movie It's Not A Race, follows 22 scooterists who will ride from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to Portland, Maine, USA. The trip takes our adventurers 10 days riding on an assortment of scooters.

The story follows Lawson, Cory, Oz, Aaron, and Starr. There are also interviews of many others that have joined in the journey of love and hate for the ride. It is alot of fun and quite enjoyable to watch these interesting people as their laughter and also agony reveal themselves as quite a few ride days are 12 to 13 hours. Crazy but I can tell you I would do it in a heartbeat!

As I watched the movie for the 3rd time I can tell you this about the main riders:

Lawson (Vespa 150cc) ~ Constant GPS issues, lots of cursing, and so freaking funny! His agony will become your enjoyment! 

Cory (Kymco) ~ Thank God he talked Lawson into it! ha ha

Oz (Honda Ruckus 50cc) ~ Great guy who is entertaining and having to deal with concern of "The Jinx" from his riding buddy Aaron.

Aaron (Yamaha C3 50cc) ~ Riding with his buddy Oz and teasing him about his scooter issues keep him going, and enjoying it!

Starr (Lambretta) ~ All alone in the manual class keeps Starr a winner. She also does roadside repairs which makes her a cool scooter rider.

Matt (Vespa) ~ Calm, cool, and relaxed, that's the way he rolls!

This movie is very entertaining, funny, amusing, interesting, educational, and scenic. There are so many other people that I have not mentioned and you will have a great time watching and listening to their stories also. I highly recommend this movie to anyone that loves riding scooters, motorcycles, and also doesn't mind a movie filled with alot of swearing. If you ride on two wheels there is something for everyone in this movie. 

To purchase this DVD or a poster, please visit their website:

Sunday 3 January 2016

What kind of people drive a scooter?

When I started riding over 8 years ago, my first bike was a Yamaha XT225 dual purpose dirt bike. I started out on dirt trails and eventually moved on to street riding. Once I got into the street riding it wasn't long before I realized that this bike was not going to be a keeper due to the fact that living in Alberta you have a lot of distance to cover to get to places you want to see, mainly the National Parks and touring into British Columbia.

2009 Piaggio MP3 500 looking like an alien's scooter

When deciding to upgrade to a bigger motorcycle I found that I was immediately drawn to the great advantages of a scooter. The under seat storage, small storage areas located up front with easy access to retrieving your camera or cell phone, kleenex, wallet and plenty of other items you take traveling, it was a no brainer for me, a scooter was what I wanted! And the protection from bad weather was a great advantage also.

2013 Vespa GTV300 ready for a fun ride

I laugh when other motorcycle riders judge people who ride scooters and say it's because they can't ride anything that is a standard transmission. I assure you this is not the case! Driving a standard vehicle is easy for me, I have drove plenty of them. I also own a Suzuki Gladius but find I am constantly wanting to take my scooters out for a ride because they are so much fun!

2012 Yamaha TMax sport scooter

The big thing I notice about scooter people is they are a very casual, relaxed, and fun loving bunch of people. I have not met a scooter rider yet that is uptight and all about their ego, but I can tell you I have met plenty of motorcycle riders that definitely ride only for bragging rights and are HUGE POSERS! Scooter riders also love to laugh, that is why there are so many 50cc Scooter Rallies popping up that have endurance races, and what is more hysterical fun than people riding around at Rallies in costumes, driving all day and all night on a small scooter. Having fun, laughing, and sharing our stories of craziness with other riders is good medicine. It keeps you young and makes you forget about any stress you might be feeling.

While having dinner in Buck Lake we enjoyed the view, gotta love a Honda Ruckus

I recently sold my Vespa trying to downsize my small fleet of scooters and motorcycles but I have found myself back onto the dealership websites picking out my next scoot for this summer. I do have to mention that the Honda Grom isn't making this an easy choice as it just screams fun to me. In 2017 when The Mad Bastard Scooter Rally happens in Ontario this new scoot will have to be a small displacement bike for higher points. It is a on my bucket list of things to do and I can't wait! Driving around on a 50cc scooter dressed in a costume while doing an endurance race just seems like a crazy time filled with chaos, shenanigans, and unforgettable memories. Sign me up!

So if you're debating between buying a motorcycle or a scooter, really give the scooter a second look. I have no regrets buying mine, and hopefully there are plenty more in my future. They can be addictive and offer great times on two wheels. Anything that makes you have a shit ass grin everytime you ride scores huge with me, Well I better get back to shopping, I have a scooter to pick out, so lets see, should I buy a Vespa, Piaggio, Aprilia, Yamaha, Honda........oh ya, great times are in my future :)

Saturday 18 July 2015

Vespa ride to Jasper National Park, Alberta

These are pictures from our latest tour to Jasper National Park. It was a fantastic trip and I can't wait to go back. Stunning scenery! 

All these pictures are taken from Highway 93

This is what a forest fire looks like when it has been only burning a couple hours.

Absolutely beautiful

The Weeping Wall

Thursday 16 July 2015

Athabasca Glacier in Jasper National Park, Alberta

After the scenic ride on David Thompson Highway we were now getting closer to highway 93, this road will take us along the Icefield Parkway in Jasper National Park. This area is my favourite, while driving this highway you will be amazed at all the scenery and mountain views. I recommend pulling over and stopping at the viewing areas so you can take in all the scenery. You miss a lot while driving and having to watch the road and other vehicles in front of you. There is just so much to see, take the time to enjoy all of it!

Traveling on the Icefields Parkway #93 to Athabasca Glacier located in Jasper National Park, Alberta

You will have to purchase a Parks Canada pass and there are booths located when entering the National Parks. My husband and I purchased a one year pass and this allows easy access into Jasper and Banff National Park. Our pass allows for 7 motorcycles to travel together through the gate. The cost was around $136.00 but a daily family/group pass will cost you about $19.60 and you can enjoy the park for a day.

Fantastic views are everywhere! I love touring this area, one of my all time favourites.

Before entering the Icefields area we were cooking hot, and the sun was beating down on us. We ran out of drinking water and discussed how next time we will pack a lot more water for sure. We met a great couple from Ontario and they shared their water with us, filling up one of our drinking bottles. We offered to pay but they wouldn't take our money, and said they were happy to help. They were traveling to British Columbia and my husband recommended they take a tour through the Kaslo and Nakusp area. They were wonderful and I was very thankful to have talked with them.

Athabasca Glacier parking lot for tourists. The Glacier Discovery Centre is behind us across the highway.

The one thing you will notice when driving closer to the Athabasca Glacier is how the temperature will drop. You will really feel it when riding a scooter or motorcycle. It's an awesome feeling when you are driving in hot temperatures of 33 degrees Celsius/91 Fahrenheit and then it's chilly cold with the strong breeze coming off the glacier. We drove to a viewing area to get a closer look. It was a great moment, and you feel so small when looking up at this massive sheet of ice coming out of the Columbia Icefield. 

Enjoying this incredible ride with my Vespa GTV300ie 

The Athabasca Glacier can also be seen from the highway and the traffic in this area becomes quite slow as it is a 50 kph zone. But that is okay, the views are awesome and I enjoy having the time to look around. My Vespa was great to ride in this area and I was having a lot of fun. There are also quite a few tour buses coming out of the Glacier Discovery Centre that is across the highway from the glacier. You are welcome to stop in their parking lot if you want to take a Glacier Tour in an Ice Explorer bus vehicle. I also have seen signs that you can eat there too, I have never stopped in but I would like to check this place out the next time we ride through this area. It is very busy at peak tourism time but the tours go all day and into late afternoon.

This roadside marker shows you where the Athabasca Glacier used to be in 1935

I highly recommend seeing the Athabasca Glacier as a great motorcycle riding experience. If you love scenic drives, this is for sure one you will want to do in the near future. I love going there and miss it as soon as we leave the Jasper National Park. There is so much to see, and it is a photographer's dream. So put this one in your Bucket List or add it to this year's vacation choices. I hope you do get a chance to see these incredible glacier giants, you will not be sorry, and most likely you will regret taking so long to do this trip.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

David Thompson Highway, Alberta

 I woke the morning of our trip still trying to decide between going to Banff, Radium Hot Springs, or Jasper. Finally I decided that Jasper would win this weeks mini tour. The Icefields Parkway provides amazing views of the Columbia Icefield. We went last year and I was now missing the experience, so I decided that an annual trip will now have to be in our summer plans. Today is the day we will soak up the wonderful and majestic views of mountains, lakes, rivers, and the incredible icefields.

Deciding which bike to ride on this trip was difficult as my normal touring machine was not running due to a belt issue. While I waited for my new cvt belt to be shipped out of Japan my Yamaha TMax would now be resting at the repair shop. So sad as I love that scooter! He makes an awesome travel companion. So now I had the tough decision of taking my Vespa GTV300 or the Suzuki Gladius on this two day 960 km round trip. The Vespa has a comfy seat, top case, and under seat storage, but lacked a gas tank that would hold enough fuel to be compatible with my husband's Kawasaki Concours. When pushed hard the Vespa has to drink quite a lot of fuel and I didn't want to be a huge pain and be constantly stopping at gas stations. The Suzuki Gladius offered a nice size fuel tank, peppy engine, but lacked a comfortable seat for the long distance. After a couple discussions with my husband we decided the Vespa would work and my husband Dave would pack a small Jerry can of fuel in one of his side cases just in case we needed it. Woohoo let the adventure begin!

Our route will take us from Pigeon Lake, Alberta heading west on highway 13 to highway 22 to Rocky Mountain House. Once there we go on #11 David Thompson Highway. This is a nice highway that has light traffic and very nice views, I always love seeing Abraham Lake, the colour is a stunning blue and is so beautiful. A real treat for all the lake lovers out there.

David Thompson Highway. On the right hand side is where a forest fire was last year.
One worrisome issue with the Vespa was it's top speed of 129 kph combined with riding long distances in July with slower tourist traffic, quick passing would not be an option. I was not impressed when soon after starting our journey on highway 13 we got stuck behind a truck pulling a long holiday trailer, and close behind him was a semi pulling a loaded trailer, they were travelling at 90 kph in a 100 zone, and here I am riding a 300cc scooter. The funny part about this situation is my husband's 1400cc Connie would rip by them with no problem and beg for more. So this was going to be the Odd Couple of motorcycling. I knew my TMax would have no problem passing them, but my Vespa, a totally different situation, I would require a long stretch of road to accomplish passing both at the same time. I decided to wait it out as I couldn't pass safely with the high volume of oncoming traffic in the other lane. It was great when both vehicles turned off at Buck Lake and I continued on my travels hoping it didn't happen again, as I was starting to regret my choice of not taking the 650cc Gladius. I knew once I entered the National Parks speed would not be an issue as most posted signs are 90 kph with 50 kph zones in high volume tourist sight seeing areas, this is the ideal environment for the Vespa and it will slowly sip fuel while traveling through the park. Oh well, I made my decision and it's too late to go back and switch them. Hopefully things go well, as holding up traffic is not on my to do list today.
Mountain Sheep can be a road hazard. This one was on the road when we entered a corner. 

We stopped in Nordegg for fuel, drinks, and a snack. While we were fueling up a women on an H-D cruiser pulled in and had a small melt down about the high volume of bugs she was being hit with while she was riding. We were amused with her complaining, as was her husband. We didn't think the bugs were a big problem, yes there was bugs but not enough to wreck our trip. They were heading to Lake Louise and we wished them a great trip. Then a Search and Rescue truck pulled in to fuel up. There was quite a few in the area with lights and sirens going off. My husband asked the driver what was going on and he told us they were trying to find a couple missing hikers. Hopefully they would find them in this tough terrain. We finished our drinks and continued on with the hot sun above us.

 On our way home from Jasper and we are happy to see Abraham Lake one more time.

While travelling on the David Thompson Highway a deer ran out and then decided to stop in the middle of the road. I had enough time to slow down and honk my horn, and it quickly ran across into the other ditch. Later down the road two large black dogs decided to run out in front of me, they also got the horn and we had to do some quick braking. We watched them run into the trees and I was left wondering why dogs were out in the middle of nowhere. I was still pondering about those dogs when we came across another large dog running down the shoulder of the highway towards a couple people walking on a path. Very weird but hopefully the other dogs were just following their owners too (when I returned home I did look for any reports of missing dogs in that area and did not see anything). Later on we also seen a mother deer crossing the road with a little fawn, and that was nice to see. We were not in any danger of hitting them as there was plenty of time to slow down and they did not cross at a slow pace, the mother deer just wanted to get to the safety of the trees with her baby. If you do travel in this area be careful of the wildlife, as there is quite a few deer and it is a remote area. On our way back from Jasper traveling on this highway I was going through a corner and there was a mountain sheep standing in the middle of the road, I had to brake hard as it was a blind corner and I did not see him before entering it. So always be aware of the dangers in these areas, travel at a pace that allows you the opportunity to stop quickly if required.

The views you will experience on the David Thompson Highway, spectacular! 

The David Thompson Highway is in good condition and is a nice road to drive if you are travelling to Banff and also Jasper National Park. If you are hungry while riding make sure you stop at the Miner's Cafe in Nordegg. They offer homemade soup, sandwiches, and a large variety of homemade pies! I recommend it as a nice place to stop and have a really good lunch. It is a small cozy cafe and my husband really liked the crib boards and cards that were put by the tables for customers to use. He thought that was a nice touch and wished his brother Dan was there to have a game with as it is their favourite to play when camping. The staff were friendly and our food arrived quickly. We were impressed by how cold their coca cola cans were. We shared a couple of them, they were so good after traveling in the hot weather, we also drank a couple ice cold waters that were served to us in glass jars, another nice touch we enjoyed that made us thankful that we weren't eating at a boring franchise restaurant. We walked out of the cafe and immediately started planning our return visit before we crossed the parking lot to our bikes.

Abraham lake from a bridge above Cline River at the west end, the colour is amazing.

The huge mountains we are heading towards start to show more detail after passing The David Thompson Resort, this resort offers a gas station and restaurant if you miss Nordegg. The excitement of riding through these giant mountains will start to overwhelm you. Hopefully you experience a strong feeling of closeness to Mother Nature that you just can't feel while sitting in a vehicle. These are the experiences that all riders enjoy that seek adventure and love touring on motorcycles and scooters. I always want to travel more and more after these rides. Many times I will be planning my next adventure while traveling home from the present trip. It is a hunger you feel, that needs constant feeding. Never feeling totally fulfilled, and sometimes having a sadness flood your gut that you can't do this everyday, as you must return home so you can go to work the next day. But then you quickly realize that to be able to travel you need money, so off to work you must go. And then after hours of pondering your sad predicament while riding home you realize how stupid you have been, if only I would have picked being a teacher as a career, the whole summer would be mine! Dang it! Oh well, better keep buying those lottery tickets...sigh